For the past few months, the girls in 5th and 6th class, along with 5th and 6th in the boy’s school, have been participating in a project entitled ‘Raised on Songs and Stories’. Through this project, they have been learning about local history with a particular focus on the Scariff Martyrs, also know at the Four Who Fell. While we spent a lot of time learning about this historical event, our main focus was on the song which was inspired by these events.
As part of this project, the girls have been visited by Martin Curley, a historian, who helped them research and work with the song. This project was supported by the Heritage Council of Ireland.
When the children had learned about the story and song of the Scariff Martyrs, they were then visited by John Lillis who helped them, along with 5th and 6th class in the boy’s school, to put together a podcast all about the Scariff Martyrs. This podcast was produced as part of the Blast Artist in Schools Residency project which is supported by the Clare Education Centre.
We hope you will share the story of the Scariff Martyrs with other people – it is projects like this that really help to keep our local history alive.
You can listen by following the link below:…/killaloe-schools-podcast…
Art work by Mia Steemkamp 5th class

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