A message from our new Green School Committee.
We are excited to have started work for our 5th Green Flag which is on the theme of “Biodiversity”. We have been working hard to think of ways in which we can raise awareness of Biodiversity . We carried out surveys with each class in the school to see what we already know about Biodiversity and native plants and animals in Ireland. We hope to plant more trees, shrubs on the grounds of the school and attract more wildlife such as insects, birds and butterflies. We are also really enjoying using the website https://www.ecosia.org/?c=en to help plant more trees around the world. We will have lots more ideas and activities planned in the coming months.
What is Biodiversity?
The meaning of ‘Biodiversity’ is easy to understand when we break the word down; “bio” refers to life and ‘living things’ and “Diversity” means just that; range or variety. The word refers to the huge variety and variation of life that surrounds us on planet earth. Maintaining a high level of diversity among plants, animals and all living things all around us is essential in keeping the environment healthy and fit for human life. This includes diversity within species, between species and diversity of ecosystems.
Common terms to know:
• Species – a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. For example, the ash is a species of tree, the squirrel is a species of mammal.
• Habitat – the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the physical environment that surrounds, influences and is utilised by a species population. For example, a woodland or a bog is a habitat.
• Ecosystem – is a community of plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms that live, feed, reproduce and interact together in the same area or environment. Irish examples include a bog, a woodland, a marsh, a hedge, a lake or even a rock pool.
• Ecosystem Services – are the benefits of ecosystems. Ecosystems can provide protection from flooding, regulate climate change, breakdown wastes and recycle nutrients, filter and purify water, maintain soil fertility, purify the air, control pests and diseases and provide goods such as woods, textiles and food.
Habitat Mapping Feb 2020
4th to 6th class had a visit from An Taisce to help us create a habitat map of the school. The girls explored what native plant and animal species already live in the school grounds. They also had the opportunity to plant native trees.
WOT-Walk on Thursday – Feb ’18
Hi-Vis all ready for WOT day
Scooter training – Feb ’18
Well done to our winners in our Travel poster competition
Well done to everyone who brought in clothes for the Bag2School collection
Energy Workshop with Áine from SEAI
The girls participated in an energy workshop on 17th of November with Áine from SEAI. The girls learnt different ways to save energy at school and at home. They participated in two experiments. They really enjoyed the practical, hands-on workshop that was presented by Áine.
WOT – Walk On Thursday
Well done to all who participated in our first WOT day
We are currently working towards our Travel Flag. We will be organising events in the coming weeks.